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Vietnam 1968-69  3rd Platoon 45th Medical Company (AA) Dustoff Medic _ We received a mission for a school house blown up with two command detonated Chinese claymore mines. A few minutes later the mission was scrubbed. Then within minutes the mission was on again.

When we arrived, the scene was absolute pandemonium. How were "investigators" able so quickly to identify the source of the two explosions. Looking up, I spotted an Air America (CIA) Huey with a full movie crew filming our dramatic rescue. The mission was scrubbed initially because Air America was late arriving on target.

It was absolute pandemonium. The crew chief and I had no control over loading patients aboard. Hysterical Vietnamese kept shoving dead and dying children into my aircraft. We were literally chin deep in casualties and could not even lift our arms to help anyone.

The crew chief appeared horrified. He obviously saw the same horror on my face. We made a second trip with pretty much the same results.

February 1969 _ Tying-up loose ends the other Dustoff (my original crew from 1st platoon) involved in the school house mission was shot down by friendly fire RPG with no survivors. [Internet version is a cover story].

I asked permission to attend their memorial service and was informed it was not safe for me to go to the headquarters area.
Instead I was ordered to fly combat support missions for the Australians. It was safer to risk combat than to attend the memorial service.

April 8, 1969 _ My helicopter was shot down by .50 caliber friendly-fire. Crash and burn 120 knots (138 mph).

From the light of my burning aircraft I could clearly observe another Huey (sterile no markings) hovering near the river bank. The crew made no effort to render assistance. Just as the door gunner was leaning into his M-60 machine gun, the pilot pulled pitch and departed. I believe they heard radio traffic of Navy patrol boats inbound to check source of the fire.

We worked our way down river for about a hundred yards and hid in the river up to our necks. After a while Navy personnel pulled us aboard their boats.

Any wreckage with a bullet hole that did not melt in the fire was hoisted-out by my company commander and dropped into the river to hide evidence.
December 1983 _  Attorney Staurset, “The judge and prosecutor know you were framed by the army. If you go back to the army, you will probably be killed. Plead guilty for six months protective custody. In six months you will be discharged from the army free to get on with your life.”

Black’s Law Dictionary

Protective Custody:  The governments confinement of a person for that person’s own security or well-being, such as a witness whose safety is in jeopardy.”

Staurset, "Plead Guilty. If you go back to the army, you will probably be killed.”

I did not tell my wife or Staurset details of my parachute failure or the hot load of Morphine, however it appears Staurset ‘knew’ and he knew I would believe my life was still in danger.

January 16, 1984 (judge-only trial):

In the court room it was criminal insanity this, and criminal insanity that.

I looked at Staurset and whispered “What the f**k!”

Staurset hissed, “Shut the f**k up and just say yes to everything!”

Note: Prosecutor attempted to protect me because my attorney did not.

Prosecutor attempted to introduce state document into evidence.

Multiple interviews at Western State Hospital:

“Upon admission Mr. Collins was alert, cooperative and oriented. His mood and affect were appropriate. Delusions or hallucinations were not noted. He was neither homicidal nor suicidal and was reasonable and realistic.”

“Also, he is certain that the Army wishes to destroy his credibility to prevent him from pursuing his efforts to expose the shoddiness of the training which is offered to the Fort Lewis soldiers.”

“Consensual sexual liaison (no rape).”

“Despite two reports from Western State Hospital that Mr. Collins was not criminally insane and that he was not suffering from a major mental illness.”

Prosecutor refused to sign-off on court disposition sentencing me twenty-to-life on a locked ward for the criminally insane.

From copy of document purged to hide evidence: “Dan Collins was committed to Western State Hospital as a criminally insane person on February 1, 1984.”

                                                                Alyea Connection 1976 and 1983:

1976:  Aboard a C-130 for a night parachute drop into Oregon PFC Randy Alyea offered me an orange from his lunch box a few minutes before we were to jump. He did not touch the orange. I took the orange in my right hand. It was slick with oil. A flash bulb went off inside my head. I was hallucinating too severely to exit the aircraft and was terminated from the Ranger unit for in flight jump refusal.

1983: Sergeant Randy Alyea introduced himself to women as “Dan Collins”.

Alyea raped six women at gunpoint. He was arrested and identified by five of his victims.

My attorneys (Sverre O. Staurset) law partner Daryl Graves represented Alyea.

Alyea walked. I was sentenced twenty-to-life on a locked ward for the criminally insane.
October 1984:  Medical Board Madigan General Hospital:

Witnesses: Attorney Staurset, Western State Hospital, American Lake Veterans Administration.

Psychiatrist LTC Wamble had participated in framing me and had been relieved of duty.

Psychiatrist LTC Keyhoe, “Since neither the State of Washington, nor Western State Hospital have ever proven their case, SFC Collins should be released from confinement.”

June 1985:   Pierce County Superior Court Release Hearing:

Bribe Number One: (see copies of multiple documents purged to hide evidence).

Psychiatrist LTC Keyhoe was not invited, however Psychiatrist LTC Wamble (relieved of duty) was present and submitted into evidence documents he altered and re-dated to appear more recent than LTC Keyhoe’s findings (see document).

Western State Hospital:  In suit and tie, Staff had me prepared to attend my release hearing.

Forensic Therapist Marie Erickson ordered staff to keep me on the ward, and away from telephones.

Staff allowed me to phone Judge Healy’s chambers.

Attorney Staurset returned my call. He was furious at me for making the call.

Multiple meetings between Staurset, Judge Healy, Prosecutor Brintnall, American Lake Veterans Administration, and Erickson coordinated (conspiracy with bribe) waiving my right to be present in court allowing me to believe I would be present (see documents).

See Erickson’s handwriting on June 1985 document. She had a lot of emotional baggage.

Day One _  Western State Hospital Confinement:  Erickson introduced me to other prisoners.

This is Dan. He murdered babies in Vietnam!”

Erickson boasted she protested the Vietnam War, and she hated soldiers.

Erickson and her supervisor Eileen McConi (forensic therapist) were in a therapy group because of their man-hating issues.

As to Vietnam I was a Dustoff Medic. Flew dozens of missions. Ambushed six times. Shot down three times. Crashed and burned at 120 knots (138 mph) without a seat belt. Flew my last mission the night before processing out of Vietnam for return to the United States.

Rebuttal to Erickson’s comment, “This is Dan. He murdered babies in Vietnam!”

Vietnam 1968-69  3rd Platoon 45th Medical Company (AA) Dustoff Medic _ We received a mission for a school house blown up with two command detonated Chinese claymore mines. A few minutes later the mission was scrubbed. Then within minutes the mission was on again.

When we arrived, the scene was absolute pandemonium. How were "investigators" able so quickly to identify the source of the two explosions. Looking up, I spotted an Air America (CIA) Huey with a full movie crew filming our dramatic rescue. The mission was scrubbed initially because Air America was late arriving on target.

It was absolute pandemonium. The crew chief and I had no control over loading patients aboard. Hysterical Vietnamese kept shoving dead and dying children into my aircraft. We were literally chin deep in casualties and could not even lift our arms to help anyone.

The crew chief appeared horrified. He obviously saw the same horror on my face. We made a second trip with pretty much the same results.

Every interior surface of my helicopter was covered in blood. Our  uniforms were covered in blood. Blood foamed out of my boots with every step.

In 1987 a federal investigator interviewed me on the ward. Erickson and her supervisor were eavesdropping. They ran the investigator off the ward.

Erickson and her supervisor were relieved of their duties and forced to resign over years of targeting me in patient abuse.
Pierce County Jail:

Arrested June 1983. Seven months pretrial solitary confinement.

December 1983 _  Attorney Staurset, “The judge and prosecutor know you were framed by the army. If you go back to the army, you will probably be killed. Plead guilty for six months protective custody. In six months you will be discharged from the army free to get on with your life.”

Black’s Law Dictionary

Protective Custody:  The governments confinement of a person for that person’s own security or well-being, such as a witness whose safety is in jeopardy.”

Staurset, "Plead Guilty. If you go back to the army, you will probably be killed.” 

I did not tell my wife or attorney Staurset details of my parachute failure or the hot load of Morphine, however it appears Staurset ‘knew’ and he knew I would believe my life was still in danger (see details below).

September - December 1981:

September 1981 _ An intelligence officer contacted me and I was informed six Rangers and a Warrant Officer had been murdered in a mole operation He informed me I was being reassigned to the Ranger unit to replace murdered medical platoon sergeant.

November 1981 _ Individual in forest pattern BDU with SFC chevrons stood in the doorway of my office. Stared me down, said nothing and departed. A few weeks later he returned to my office door wearing Dress Greens with Major's Oak Leaves on his shoulders. Stared me down, said nothing and departed.

December 2, 1981 _ Command (senior personnel) night parachute jump. Stood up to hook up. The Major (Special Forces) punched me in my head and personally hooked-up my static line.

Parachute failed. Stiff breeze under my chin, no forward speed. Lowered my rucksack, assumed landing position. I came down with my right foot impacting my rucksack, knocked over on my back. Right leg broken 180 degree roll-over, heel up, toes facing the ground, fractured right hip, spine and neck injuries, three hernias, two black eyes, bleeding from my right ear.

September 1997:  DIA officer told me the broken parachutes issued to me were imported from Fort Bragg to Fort Lewis.

Another unit operating in the area, using night vision told me I came out of the sky with the glide path of a brick.

Madigan General Hospital:  Orthopedic Surgeon, Captain Casio wheeled my gurney to the orthopedic clinic (no witnesses there). Without anesthesia he twisted, pulled my leg and manipulated broken bones into basic place. He told me he had to gauge my reaction to pain. Administered 1/4 grain of Morphine and wheeled me to surgical ward.

I woke up in pain. The nurse checked my chart and remarked it had been four hours since my last dose of Morphine. She administered an injection of Demerol. I pointed out my IV had backed-up with blood in the tube. She checked my chart, remarking IV was not supposed to be turned off. She restarted my IV.

I watched the clear fluid push the blood out of the tube. I felt a surge, rush, vision gray, vision black. I died. From across the ward I watched the crash team pull me back.

Someone loaded my IV tube with hot dose of Morphine. Probably Captain Casio.

When I was released from the hospital I refused to terminate my Ranger assignment. Slow physical recovery was the excuse Ranger commander used to have me reassigned to another unit.

August 1982 _ I was reassigned to Germany on a reduced paper trail, with no assignment. Senior personnel always have a direct assignment to gaining unit. I did not.

September 1982 _ Ordered back to Fort Lewis and immediately arrested by CID Agents on trumped-up charges..
Transported to the stockade for pretrial solitary confinement.

Sixty days and nights 24/7 under bright lights. Required to lie on my back facing lights, not allowed to cover my eyes. Required to sit barefoot on cold concrete floor eight hours a day aggravating injuries sustained in parachute failure.

On day sixty-one the warden told me the abusive solitary confinement was ordered from General officers at Fort Bragg (Special Forces & Military Intelligence).

He removed me from solitary to a two-man cell, returned my boots and uniform with rank insignia. Prisoners are not allowed to wear rank. He assigned me as primary instructor for the guards.

January 1983 _ Acquitted in a two-day General Court Martial.

Court Martial was classified.  CID Agents confiscated my trial transcript.

June 1983 _ Still unassigned. I phoned the Pentagon and was informed I was still in Germany. I had been at Fort Lewis for eight months and was "still" in Germany.
June 1983 _ At my off post residence a Pierce County Sheriff Detective and five uniformed deputies arrested me at gunpoint on a charge of first degree rape.

The Detective allowed me to phone my attorney, Sverre Staurset. He answered on the first ring.

Staurset, "Shut the fuck up and put the detective on the phone!"  Staurset knew I was going to be arrested.

Ten years after my arrest Staurset (foreign-born intelligence officer) admitted he participated in framing me.
Simulated Fire For Visual Effect:

But that is about the way my helicopter looked.
Shot down by .50 caliber friendly fire after witnessing schoolhouse massacre.

Anything with a bullet hole that did not melt in the fire was hoisted-out by my company commander and dropped into the river to hide evidence.
1968 - 1981:  Vietnam - Fort Lewis - Germany - Fort Sill - Fort Lewis - Germany - Fort Lewis:

Vietnam: Dustoff Medic
Fort Lewis: Military Intelligence - Military Police
Germany: Medic - Adventure Training NCO - Dustoff Medic
Fort Sill: Dustoff Medic
Fort Benning Airborne School
Fort Lewis: Assigned Ranger Element Medic
Infantry Medical Platoon Sergeant
S-2 Intelligence Sergeant
Military Police
Assigned Ranger unit as replacement Medical Platoon Sergeant.
HHC 9th Medical Battalion Medical Platoon Sergeant

1979 Fort Lewis _ 2/39th Infantry _ Battalion Commander LTC Stephens was an empty uniform from Pentagon for command time _ return to Pentagon and fast track promotion. Soldiers under his command were the least of his concerns.

LTC Stephens went home one night when I was medical platoon sergeant. Arriving at work the following day he found I was his intelligence sergeant. He was too paranoid to allow me to attend staff meetings and demanded to know who sent me to spy on him. He relieved me of duty and personally signed the order for transfer back to Military Police.

My platoon leader was 2LT Nyland. She was about as unprofessional as anyone could be.

She would storm into situations already under control and being worked-out, demanding everyone be taken into custody. This behavior generated a full scale bar fight in the Madigan Club, spilling-over onto the front lawn and parking lot. She jumped into her cruiser and drove away.

In a domestic dispute, everything under control, she stormed in and demanded the soldier be taken into custody, at which point the spouse grabbed an iron skillet and cold cocked my patrol partner. Again LT Nyland ran away.

There were many other incidents, always covered-up by Provost Marshal Colonel Weinstein, because LT Nyland was female, and her daddy was a general.

January 1981 _ LT Nyland, too busy flirting with her enlisted boyfriend failed to complete our morning briefing, resulting in the murder of a fourteen year old female. The previous day (day of incomplete briefing) my patrol partner and I observed a young female hitch hiking near Gray Airfield. I warned her Fort Lewis was a dangerous place and she should not accept rides. Provost Marshal would not allow courtesy transports.

The following morning we were instructed to respond for a dead body discovered in the woods. This was the young girl I warned not to accept rides at Fort Lewis.

Crime scene was soon populated with LT Nyland, CID, OSI, Air Force Security Police, FBI, Washington State Patrol, Detectives from Pierce, Thurston, and King Counties.

I was ordered to identify the body.

LT Nyland sarcastic as always, "What's the matter Collins! Never seen a dead body before!"

For the Record _ Vietnam, Germany, Oklahoma, Arkansas, McChord, and Fort Lewis.

This particular dead body bothered me because her death should not have happened, and would not have happened except through my platoon leaders dereliction of duty.

I saw a blue Volks Wagon beetle with chrome pipes round the curve on dirt road entering the crime scene. I moved through the crowd and had the driver at gunpoint. Apparently he had returned to view his latest kill.

My platoon leader and others got between us. In the confusion the suspect backed out and escaped. A few minutes later others realized this was the serial killer we had been searching for for four months. Provost Marshal Colonel Weinstein covered-up platoon leaders dereliction of duty.

A few months later I was assigned a new patrol partner known to be totally unreliable. We received an assault call to my old unit (LTC Stephens). When we arrived the CQ informed us there had been no assault, however a soldier matching the description of the suspect was in the day room.

Entering the day room I was immediately attacked by the suspect. He gained control of my pistol. I won the fight by accident when my assailant lost his footing.

During the fight my patrol partner made no effort to assist me.

Challenged for his cowardice, he responded, "I didn't want to get into trouble."

I had been setup by LTC Stephens and Provost Marshal Colonel Weinstein. My patrol partner was part of the setup.

If I had been killed in LTC Stephens unit, there would have been no investigation.

My assailant did not spend a single night behind bars. My patrol partner was promoted to plain clothes investigator (PMI).

I was relieved of duty and reassigned to the training office.
Time Line Continued
September - December 1981:

September 1981 _ An intelligence officer contacted me and I was informed six Rangers and a Warrant Officer had been murdered in a mole operation He informed me I was being reassigned to the Ranger unit to replace murdered medical platoon sergeant.

November 1981 _ Individual in forest pattern BDU with SFC chevrons stood in the doorway of my office. Stared me down, said nothing and departed. A few weeks later he returned to my office door wearing Dress Greens with Major's Oak Leaves on his shoulders. Stared me down, said nothing and departed.

December 2, 1981 _ Command (senior personnel) night parachute jump. Stood up to hook up. The Major (Special Forces) punched me in my head and personally hooked-up my static line.

Parachute failed. Stiff breeze under my chin, no forward speed. Lowered my rucksack, assumed landing position. I came down with my right foot impacting my rucksack, knocked over on my back. Right leg broken 180 degree roll-over, heel up, toes facing the ground, fractured right hip, spine and neck injuries, three hernias, two black eyes, bleeding from my right ear.

September 1997:  DIA officer told me the broken parachutes issued to me were imported from Fort Bragg to Fort Lewis.

Another unit operating in the area, using night vision told me I came out of the sky with the glide path of a brick.

Madigan General Hospital:  Orthopedic Surgeon, Captain Casio wheeled my gurney to the orthopedic clinic (no witnesses there). Without anesthesia he twisted, pulled my leg and manipulated broken bones into basic place. He told me he had to gauge my reaction to pain. Administered 1/4 grain of Morphine and wheeled me to surgical ward.

I woke up in pain. The nurse checked my chart and remarked it had been four hours since my last dose of Morphine. She administered an injection of Demerol. I pointed out my IV had backed-up with blood in the tube. She checked my chart, remarking IV was not supposed to be turned off. She restarted my IV.

I watched the clear fluid push the blood out of the tube. I felt a surge, rush, vision gray, vision black. I died. From across the ward I watched the crash team pull me back.

Someone loaded my IV tube with hot dose of Morphine. Probably Captain Casio.
September 1982 - January 1983:  Fort Lewis Stockade.

June 1983 - February 1984: Pierce County Jail.

January 16, 1984: Judge-Only (show) trial.

December 1983 _  Attorney Staurset, “The judge and prosecutor know you were framed by the army. If you go back to the army, you will probably be killed. Plead guilty for six months protective custody. In six months you will be discharged from the army free to get on with your life.”

In the court room it was criminal insanity this, and criminal insanity that.

I looked at Staurset and whispered “What the f**k!”

Staurset hissed, “Shut the f**k up and just say yes to everything!”

Note: Prosecutor attempted to protect me because my attorney did not.

Prosecutor attempted to introduce state document into evidence.

Multiple interviews at Western State Hospital:

“Upon admission Mr. Collins was alert, cooperative and oriented. His mood and affect were appropriate. Delusions or hallucinations were not noted. He was neither homicidal nor suicidal and was reasonable and realistic.”

“Also, he is certain that the Army wishes to destroy his credibility to prevent him from pursuing his efforts to expose the shoddiness of the training which is offered to the Fort Lewis soldiers.”

“Consensual sexual liaison (no rape).”

“Despite two reports from Western State Hospital that Mr. Collins was not criminally insane and that he was not suffering from a major mental illness.”

Prosecutor refused to sign-off on court disposition sentencing me twenty-to-life on a locked ward for the criminally insane.

From copy of document purged to hide evidence: “Dan Collins was committed to Western State Hospital as a criminally insane person on February 1, 1984.”
July 11, 1988  Six criminally insane prisoners attempted to beat me to death. Their leader boasted they had spit their medication, and worked-out for two weeks preparing to kill me.

Staff were aware I was a warehoused military intelligence prisoner.

Bleeding profusely, I was denied immediate medical care while staff conducted an emergency butt-covering meeting.

One staff remarked, "We are all going to lose our jobs over this!"

July 12, 1988  Staurset arrived on the ward and took several photos of my injuries.

August 8, 1988: Released from confinement on one year court ordered probation.

Director Vitols summoned me to his office. "Dan we have known for several years (December 1983 - August 1988) you were not a danger to yourself or to others. If you remained here we can no longer guarantee your safety."

So regardless of the "criminal insanity" cover story _ it seems I was in "protective custody".

Black’s Law Dictionary

Protective Custody:  The governments confinement of a person for that person’s own security or well-being, such as a witness whose safety is in jeopardy.”

Director Vitols, "Dan we have known for several years (December 1983 - August 1988) you were not a danger to yourself or to others. If you remained here we can no longer guarantee your safety."

Western State Hospital authorities decided it was safer (for their careers) to release me from "protective custody" and let me take my chances on the street.

Same as Vietnam:

February 1969 _ Tying-up loose ends the other Dustoff (my original crew from 1st platoon) involved in the school house mission was shot down by friendly fire RPG with no survivors. [Internet version is a cover story].

I asked permission to attend their memorial service and was informed it was not safe for me to go to the headquarters area.

I was ordered to fly combat support missions for the Australians. _  safer to risk combat than to attend the memorial service.
January 1997 - 2019:  Fircrest City Council & Police Department sanctioned and covered-up civil rights and felony crimes in efforts to force me to leave Fircrest.

Aggresive neighbors threw rocks, timber, and steel rods at windows and on top of house to start dogs barking, and phoned Viafore with Humane Society arriving to harass me.

Steel spikes were tossed onto to the front lawn so I would injure myself mowing the lawn.

Neighbors repeatedly knocked-down the mail box.

Neighbors kicked the garage door (leaving their footprints) to set dogs barking, and phoned Viafore with Humane Society arriving to harass me.

Neighbors repeatedly tore down No Trespassing signs.

Neighbors opened gate at night so dogs would get out. We found three of our dogs two blocks away.

Neighbor poisoned three of my dogs.

Neighbors pulled saplings out of the ground by their roots, and mowed-down flower beds.

Someone used a commercial highway grade pressure washer to remove top soil from front lawn.

Neighbors and Viafore's thugs defaced and tore down information signs.

Neighbors would "telegraph" a pending property destruction raid by going to the end of their driveways.

Homeowner and I were accosted on the street in front of residence, and threatened with physical harm and death threats (1998-99 & 2003).

Regardless of physical evidence of property destruction, videos of crimes in progress, tape recorded confrontations with aggressive neighbors police always said ___ "Dan it never happened."

Paradise Parkway is heavily populated with City Hall employees and "friends" of City Hall.

Police Department wired five lines on my street into my residence phone. Events in 2011and 2017 (burglary) indicate the wiretaps were in place "prior" to 2011 and remained in place thru 2017 (possibly thru 2024).

Dan Collins
US Army SFC (retired)
Military Intelligence - Military Police

City Council & Police
Sanctioned Crimes
Illegal Wiretaps